All products are produced and shipped from their respective factories.
Layout of copy is at factory's discretion unless specified.
Set up and PMS match 1-4 colors are free.
All orders will be shipped plus or minus 5% of quantity ordered. The factory reserves the right to distribute over runs through normal channels.
Normal productions times vary throughout the year, please contact customer service for current lead time.
Camera ready artwork required (Adobe Illustrator EPS, JPEG, TIFF).
Please e-mail artwork to
Dies and artwork will be kept on file for 2 years from date of last order.
Digital proofs will be provided on request for no additional charge.
All invoices are NET 30 terms.
All orders will be shipped F.O.B from their respective factories. Shipping and handling will be prepaid and billed on invoice.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam facilisis ipsum id tortor volutpat pulvinar. Praesent nec sem ipsum, ac ornare tellus. Phasellus viverra sem sed elit sollicitudin eu rutrum lectus scelerisque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam facilisis ipsum id tortor volutpat pulvinar. Praesent nec sem ipsum, ac ornare tellus. Phasellus viverra sem sed elit sollicitudin eu rutrum lectus scelerisque.